Dom Fernando Arêas Rifan *
Withdrawal of the National Education Plan last year, the "Gender Ideology" return to more subtly load: they want to enter this pernicious ideology in state and local education plans. The MEC - Minystry of Education and Culture (Brazil) instructs the education departments of all municipalities and States to insert "gender" and "sexual orientation" in education plans, as criteria for the implementation of educational policies. In many municipalities, this process is happening without the participation of key holders, who are parents and educators. The non-participation of civil society in choosing the education model goes against the right of families to define the bases of education they wish to offer their children.
The terms "gender" and "sexual orientation" refers to an ideology that seeks to cover up the fact that human beings are divided into two sexes. According to this ideological trend, the differences between men and women, apart from the obvious anatomical implications not correspond to a fixed nature, but are the result of a social construction. Follow the famous aphorism of Simone de Beauvoir: "Do not born a woman, make her a woman." Thus, under the word "gender", a new philosophy of sexuality is presented.
It is denying the biology and psychology that we end up denying science! The school must be committed to the truth, fostering the knowledge of reality and not indoctrinating students with ideologies. The role of education should be to foster the knowledge of reality, not its deconstruction, or circumvention of the psychological and biological characteristics of boys and girls. We must teach our children and students to respect people regardless of gender, race, social status, etc., but that does not mean to confuse them with an ideology like that. In fact, adopting the term gender are not willing to fight discrimination, but "deconstruct" the family, marriage and motherhood and thus foster a "lifestyle" that fosters all forms of sexual experimentation from an early age.
In addition to these data the science and natural law, the Catholic doctrine teaches us about our duty towards one's sexual identity: "God created man, male and female, with equal personal dignity and inscribed on it the vocation of love and communion. It is up to each accepting one's sexual identity, recognizing its importance for the whole person, the specificity and complementarity "(CIC Compendium, 487). With the gender ideology, "no longer is valid what we read in account of the creation :" He created them male and female "(Genesis 1: 27) ... The man denies his own nature ... making it clear that, when God is denied, the dignity of man is dissoved "(Benedict XVI, Address to the Roman Curia, 21/12/2012). Pope Francisco this week, spoke of "the beauty of marriage" with the "male-female complementarity, coronation of God's creation that is challenged by the gender ideology" (Disc. The Puerto Rican Bishops, 08/06/2015 ).
With the separation of gender and sex, teach yourself a new form of duality that threatens human dignity. The perfect unity between the soul and the body falls apart, the body having a sex and another soul. The human harmony is undone. Do not be so mentally unbalanced manufacturing?
* Bishop of the Personal Apostolic Administration Saint John Mary Vianney