Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Ressurection Fact - By Rev.Bishop D. Fernando Rifan

In the Easter Edition of Brazilian Weekly Magazine "Veja" (April, the 8th) it has brought an interesting article on the Resurrection of Jesus, "the great dogma of Christianity", pointing out that the celebration of Easter Sunday reaffirms the power of faith in the Ressurection of the Son of God, who died on on the Cross, a "statement", noted by reporter, "that is strengthened with the passage of millennium." And asks, "why, after a little less than 2000 years, the belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, one of the most extraordinary mysteries of faith, still has an effect as sweeping" and also notes that if nothing had happened at Easter that year, i.e., if the Lord's Resurrection was not an extraordinary certificate and proven fact, It could not explain the miraculous and extraordinary expansion of Christianity in the face of so many opposing forces of paganism.

There were modern attempts to deny the resurrection of Jesus as a historical fact. According to some of these theories, Jesus had risen "within the kerygma", according to the formula of Rudolf Bultmann, famous Protestant theologian, that is, the resurrection would mean only that the disciples had recognized that "the cause of Jesus continues"! Therefore, it is very instructive for us the thesis Heinrich Schlier, disciple of Bultmann, on the Resurrection of Jesus, proving the historical fact, the basis of Christian faith.

Heinrich Schelier was Lutheran pastor, professor of exegesis in Germany, and then was part of the "Confessing Church", i.e. the part of the German evangelical community trying to safeguard the Christian substance of Lutheranism,  but it was not accepted that He disintegrated the movement supporting the Nazism. After the war, he taught New Testament and Church History at the Bonn Evangelical Theological College. In 1953, for surprise of his master Bultmann, He converted to the Catholic Church, saying said that his conversion happened  in a completely Protestant way, he meant, from his relationship with the scripture, fact revealed by Ratzinger. On October 24, 1953, He was received into the Catholic Church. The next day, received his First Communion and then Sacrament of Confirmation. He wrote numerous theological works, especially the one about the Resurrection of Jesus, prefaced by the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.

Based on history and Scripture, Schelier shows that "the Primitive Church did not preach of the resurrection of Jesus Christ with detachment and in a uncompromising way, but with emotion and in with act of faith profession". And he argues that this is an indisputable fact, although it retains its mystery character. He said the New Testament texts understand the Resurrection as an event, a concrete historical event. The Resurrection did not come preaching, but preaching came from the fact of the Resurrection. And the Resurrection derives the logical conclusion that He is the Lord, as we read in the speech of St. Peter to the Jews: "In fact, God raised that same Jesus, and that we are all witnesses ... So that all people of Israel to recognize with full assurance: God has made Lord and Christ this Jesus whom you crucified "(Acts 2: 32-36).

Click VEJA Magazine Portuguese Article 


PIERO DELLA FRANCESCA - Century XV: on display at the Museo Civico of Sansepolcro, Italy Why, after a little less than 2000 years, the belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, one of the most extraordinary mysteries of faith, still exerts such sweeping effect ? Said the ap ...

Last Updated: 03/04/2015